Monday, December 04, 2006


Yeah, that laziness kicked in again. While on a little break (and by little it was... 2 months? XD) I actually got a lot of feedback from people I don't even know about how they like my stories o.o Well, I knew one of those people (Tammyxx! please don't piss yer pants because yer famous now! XD) But, a lot has been going on. I've recently been forced by my parents to get a job. So, what did I do? I got a job :P But was that good enough? Noooooooooooooo. My parents want me to get ANOTHER job because the job I have right now is telephone surveyer, which I do part-time. So, if you ever get a call from a telephone surveyer, DON'T HANG UP! It might be me! ;)

So, on the hunt for the elusive second job... I've come to realize something...


My first attempt was at a secretary job... I never even got a reply back.

My second was at a bookstore named Chapters. I went for one of those group interviews where they weed out the losers. Oddly, at the age of 19, I was the OLDEST in my group. I was also the only female... odd. So, after the interview, we all shook hands, and the manager said, "regardless of whether you got the job or not, we'll give you a call." It's now been 2 weeks since and I have yet to hear back from them. But do you know what the most IRONIC thing was? I went in there last weekend... and EVERY new person that they had hired (the greeter at the door, the cashiers, even the 2 guys the manager was showing around) WERE ALL INDIAN! XD Now, i'm not being racist, but I find it kinda odd that 90% OF THE PEOPLE WORKING IN THERE WERE INDIAN! XD Seriously... I counted 2 white employees.

So, as a "I don't wanna work I wanna volunteer" thingy, I applied to volunteer at the local SPCA. Again, I have still yet to hear back from there. Like cmon, they're always whining about how they need more help but they refuse ME? What did I do wrong? ;_;

My last attempt was made this week when I applied to Best Buy and went for an interview yesterday. This time, the woman what somewhat honest when she said, "If you get the job, we'll call you tomorrow night, if not, we'll keep it on record." When they keep it on record, I think they mean "we'll shove it into our super paper shredder."

Why must people be such dicks? Can't we all just be HONEST for once? XD


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